Companion/Case Manager

| Indian Wells/SF, CA, United States

Posted Date 2/07/2025


Companion/Case Manager

 *This role is 8 months in Indian Wells and 4 months in San Francisco

  • Companion
    • Work to keep her active and walking
    • Take Mrs. on drives around town
  • Medical
    • Aware and in the know about all medical relationships
    • Review/understand weekly test results
    • Aware of general medical condition/vitals and able to discuss at all times
    • Able to contact all Doctors/nurses/caregivers/medical related staff
    • Aware of medical/care related policies and procedures for caregivers as it relates to caring for Mrs.
  • Caregiver follow up
    • Share medical info from doctors and new orders with entire team on the same day as the appointment
    • Share pre-approved new meds with caregivers and alter the medicine box as advised (after speaking with manager)
    • Motivate caregivers for Mrs. initiatives, set goals and follow up consistently
    • Able to perform ALL caregiver duties if staffing issues arise
  • Medical appointment follow-up
    • Take notes during ALL doctor’s visits and email the same day regarding what transpired during appointments
    • Calendar follow up appointments, if any, on the same day they are made
    • Medications always need to be approved by (through Mrs doctors) prior to being placed in medication box
  • Driving Mrs. as needed
  • Holiday coverage
    • Present and active for the holidays you are working
    • Plan parties for Mrs. and create fun for her during the holidays
  • Party/event/social coverage
    • Present and active at parties/events/social acitivites
    • Prompt Mrs. re: names at parties when you are there with her
  • Ordering/organizing Mrs meds
  • Household errands as needed
  • Cat duties

Share notes of all vet-tech appointments and any other pertinent information regarding litter box or food , medicine and email team the same day

  • Maintain correspondence for Mrs.
    • Thank you calls made and cards sent within a week of events
    • Family Birthday cards sent FedEx one week prior to family birthday
    • Christmas cards FedEx Dec 10
  • In Service Training: PAC (Positive Approach to Care and Dementia Education)
    • Individual sessions with coach
    • Designed to foster effective communication with Mrs.
    • Attain positive and effective strategies for dementia care
  • Research – Research could include: finding an event, helping investigate if an event is appropriate fro Mrs, etc.


  • Build Mrs. *approved social activities
    • Bridge
    • Luncheons
    • Dinners
    • Bridge lessons
    • Operas
    • Shows
    • Philharmonic


*Approved social activities are those that are discussed in advance with our team on our conference calls.  Social contacts need to be discussed prior to invitations issued to ensure that there will be a positive interaction for Mrs.


  • Calendaring -  Responsible for personal/family calendaring, coordinating with our team, and other staff. Additionally, as a point-of-contact for most personal travel and household schedule, this role will be responsible for a lot of schedule coordination
  • Liaison and communicator - You will often be a communicator of information on behalf of the family with their friends, family members, and trusted advisors 
  • Travel - Personal travel research, booking, logistics, and end-to-end itinerary prep and oversight







Job Type
Job Categories
Caregiver | Companion
80,000+ DOE
Housing Type

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